Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hosting/server requirements?

For the site to run properly, the hosting/server must meet Wordpress minimum requirements:

  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater

For the theme to run properly, you must have at least Wordpress version 3.1.

How do I update the logo?

By default, the logo will display the site title. To change the site title, just go to Settings > General and update Site Title.

To change the logo into a logo image, see steps below.

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Media and select Add New.
  3. Click Select File and select your logo file.
  4. Click Open to upload your logo file.
  5. After uploading, copy the text in File URL field. We will use this later on.
  6. Click Save All Changes.
  7. Click on Product Review Theme.
  8. Paste the copied text on the Logo Image URL field.
  9. Click Save Changes.

How do I update the banner in top right?

By default, there is no banner image. To add/update the banner, see steps below.

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Media and select Add New.
  3. Click Select File and select your banner file. Recommended banner size is 488 x 60 pixels.
  4. Click Open to upload your banner file.
  5. After uploading, copy the text in File URL field. We will use this later on.
  6. Click Save All Changes.
  7. Click on Product Review Theme.
  8. Paste the copied text on the Banner Image URL field.
  9. You may also update the Banner Link field to change the URL of the banner link.
  10. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the links in the top navigation?

Create New Menu:

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Appearance and select Menus.
  3. Click the Plus + sign on the tab to add new Menu.
  4. Fill-in the Menu name.
  5. Click on Create Menu button.

Set Theme Location:

  1. On the same page, Go to Theme Locations section.
  2. Select your new menu on the dropdown under Primary Navigation.
  3. Click Save.

Add Custom Links on Menu:

  1. On the same page, Go to Custom Links section.
  2. Fill-in URL and Label.
  3. Click Add to Menu button.
  4. Click Save Menu button.

Add Pages on Menu:

  1. On the same page, Go to Pages section.
  2. Select pages to add.
  3. Click Add to Menu button.
  4. Drag-and-drop menu items to change arrangement of menu items.(Optional)
  5. Click Save Menu button.

You may also add links to posts, category pages and product pages on top navigation.

How do I update the slideshow images?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Slides and select Add New.
  3. Fill-in the Title and the Slide's Image Link URL (optional).
  4. Click on Set featured image.
  5. Click Select File and select your slide image file.
  6. Click Open to upload your slide image file.
  7. Click Set as featured image.
  8. Click Save All Changes.
  9. Close the box.
  10. Click Update button.

How do I add, edit or setup a product types?

You need at least one product type.

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select Product Type.
  3. Fill-in Name. This will be the Heading text.
  4. Click Add New Product Type.
  5. Fill-in Name and all the other (optional) fields.
  6. Click Add New Product Type.This will add the new product type on the table.
  7. Select the new product type on the table.
  8. Fill-in the Rating Criteria and SEO elements
  9. Click Update to commit changes

The Rating Criteria should be your criteria for all the products that are under this product type. You have to use these criteria in the Edit Product page's Ratings custom field.

How do I add, edit or setup a product?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select Add New.
  3. Fill-in all fields with your available data.
    • Name - name of the product
    • Content - main text on product page beside the product image
    • Featured Image - image of the product
    • Product Site URL - link to the product site
    • Product Ranking - ranking of the product on the product type; used as the order in displaying products
    • Product Star Rating - star rating of the product
    • Assurance Icons - icons displayed at the bottom of the overview box
    • Overview Title - title displayed on top of the overview box
    • Overview Text - text/paragraph to display below the Overview box
    • Overview Table - text on overview table
    • Overview Icons - icons displayed at the bottom of the Overview table
    • Extra Box Title - title displayed on top of the extra box
    • Extra Box Description - text displayed inside the extra box
    • Recommendation Title - title displayed on top of the Recommendation box
    • Recommendation Image - image displayed at the right of the recommendation text
    • Recommendation Text - text/paragraph displayed inside the Recommendation box
    • Benefits - product benefits; list displayed in a small box inside the Recommendation box
    • Ratings Title - title displayed on top of the small ratings box inside the Recommendation box
    • Ratings - this should go along with the rating criteria; numeric value must be an integer from 1-5; determines the number of stars on the small ratings box inside prednisone the Recommendation box
    • SEO Title - the <title> on the page's head
    • SEO Keyword - value of the meta keywords on the page's head
    • SEO Description - value of the meta description on the page's head
    • On Product Types section at the right, check the product type.
    • Click Update to commit changes.

How do I add/update the Top Rated chart in sidebar?

The Top Rated Chart displays products under a product type. The order of products in the Top Rated Chart widget depends on the product's Product Ranking.

Assuming that there are already products and products types, below tadalafil overnight delivery canada are the steps in adding or updating settings on the Top Rated chart.

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click on Appearance and select Widgets.
  3. Drag Theme Widget - Top Rated Products widget to the Sidebar section.
  4. Fill-in Title.
  5. Select desired value for the Product Type, Number of Products and Order.
  6. Click Save.

How do I edit the Heading Text on the front page

  1. Click Product Review Theme.
  2. Fill-in Product Type Slug with the slug of the product type.
  3. Click "Save Changes".

*By identifying the Product Type Slug, we determine what products will be displayed. Products under the product type will be best generic levitra overnight displayed on the home page. The product type name will be used as the heading text.

How do I edit the heading of the posts on the front page

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change product title. The product title is the heading of the post.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the position of posts on the front page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change value of the Product Ranking dropdown. The product ranking determines the rank/position of the product.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the text in the posts of the front page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change excerpt.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the review stars in the posts on the front page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change value of the Product Star Rating dropdown. The product star rating determines the review stars.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the images in the posts on the front page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Click on Set featured image.
  5. Click Select File and select your screenshot file.
  6. Click Open to upload your screenshot file.
  7. Click Set as featured image.
  8. Click Save All Changes.

How do I change the links of the Review button and Visit Site button?

The review button is not customizable. It goes straight to the product page.

The Visit Site button on the other hand can be changed using these steps:

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product that you want to update.
  4. Change the value of the Product Site URL.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the "Overview" section on the product page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change value of the Overview Title, Overview Details, Overview Text and Overview Icons.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the "Our Recommendation" section on the product review internal page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. Change value of the Recommendation Title, Recommendation Image and Recommendation Text.
  5. Click Save Changes.

How do I edit the "Reviews" section on the product review internal page?

Set Review Stars Criteria:

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select Product Type.
  3. Click the product type that you want to set criteria.
  4. Change value of the Rating Criteria. See guidelines below the field.
  5. Click Update.

Add a Review:

  1. Go to product page.
  2. Go to the review section.
  3. Set ratings.
  4. Add review text.
  5. Click Submit Comment.

How do I add additional boxes on the product page?

  1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard.
  2. Click Products and select All Products.
  3. Select the product.
  4. You have three extra boxes to choose from. Change value on any of the boxes' Extra Box Title and Extra Box Description.
  5. Click Save Changes.